Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm out.

So I've spent time on my MPC and I have realized that sampling is not that easy. I can lay down drum tracks, but it's hard to throw a sample over it. I'll keep on grinding away at it. It doesn't seem like Christmas. I mean, I even had to ask Jordan/Ian/Alyson what day Christmas was.
How depressing -___-. Today I felt a bit disconnected and I still do. I think I'll just spend time with my Mom today. I'm outs.

this is the sign off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CutyBooty! "What am I gonna do when I get home? I think I'm gonna activate my comments and... write another blog."

Haha, I'm very glad to be your first commenter. :) Well, at least I think I'm first!
